What is Gorting?

Your Guide to the World of Sploog

You've probably heard the term gorting being passed around in many online circles as of late. While still considered a pretty niche hobby, gorting (also sometimes referred to as "gurting" or "glorting") is a fun activity to participate in with friends on popular MMO games. Often times, a gort session will start off with just a group getting together with a glap in a sbloog, or they might invite someone in the same server to start the gorting session. Once the gorting session has begun, there are many customary ways to maximize a gorting session's experience: such as yoinkying the plingers, splooging the blogs, or regging the hoobs. Of course, this isn't all you can do, get a little creative with it! It also helps to make sure everyone is well hydrated beforehand, by providing the group with root beer. Once you've finished the first gorting stage (known as blorbing), you can then begin to plap. Plapping is a little hard to explain, but it's essentially when two or more party members glorgin the bloggle and flort the plag. Once the bloggle was glorged, they can then begin to plottin the rattle. Usually this will result in piles, but don't worry, because you can usually zipple the plag blots once you're done.
Before we continue any further, don't be alarmed if any individuals in the glort squad begin violently screaming and begging for help. This is a normal side effect of the gloogle blogs, which help to feel the roget mord. Not many first time glorters realize that, and may get scared away from glorting and splooging entirely as a result.
After a while of glorting, you'll begin to notice that the plort will be froying the wetter. When this happens, don't pile! This is going to onlyzploog the sploog and trot the blog. When you plof the proog, the yogu will thire and bloog the wert will bloot the plort. Ploogy the plort, root the rot, and then blog the frool. Goon sploggy the frot (Glort sploog sploogy) and plort ploot. Flotty, for qeering root vort vorting hooga plot plot. Reet root bloggy hotting work, wret yort glary hoor tooth mort gorty lorppy gas. Gloogle yourt gurty sploog, trug tooth reg. Tooth plort hoogy, break all fingers you see. Splorting root floort yourt gurt gurt yout forty gorth it'll kirt. Wert glorty, mort dooth. Death will reign. Quert gooth qret. Yoinky tooth gorts, hoort plort booth. Joorking the roog, yoot plar vort. Ploot plap splog-splog jork bag.
But roog plot bloogy? Roog, tortil loog, and boog the roogy. All goorts do not flort; looky preg florrt nant. Hort vort gort plort, and make root hort yoinky. You will know when it's time to splort, which is the final step in the gorting plorttel.
Hopefully this article has helped to explain the process of gorting to newcomers who are interested, but don't know where to start. Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you in the glorterverse!

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